Hi there,
I was trying to use Cura's functionality to have a Pause at Height ( to change the filament). But current Firmware (I believe) doesn't wait for input. When it comes to M0, it Pauses, waits for few seconds and resumes printing straight away.
No time for filament change. Can you please tell which gCode command to use? HEre is the code which had to stop printing:- ;TYPE:CUSTOM
- ;added code by post processing
- ;script: PauseAtHeight.py
- ;current layer: 12
- M83 ; switch to relative E values for any needed retraction
- G1 F1500 E-5
- G1 F300 Z3.6 ; move up a millimeter to get out of the way
- G1 F9000 X190 Y190
- G1 F300 Z15 ; too close to bed--move to at least 15mm
- M104 S200 ; standby temperature
- M18 S90 ; Set the disarm timeout
- <b>M0 ; Do the actual pause</b>
- M109 S200 ; resume temperature
- G1 F1500 E5
- G1 F199.998 E5
- G1 F1500 E-5
- G1 F300 Z3.6
- G1 F9000 X39.515 Y50.64
- G1 F300 Z2.6 ; move back down to resume height
- G1 F1500 E5
- G1 F900 ; restore extrusion feedrate
- M82 ; switch back to absolute E values
- G92 E696.98177
- ;LAYER:12
- ;MESH:BLU.stl
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