Title: Makerpi M1 - How configure new ultimaker cura for m1? [Print This Page] Author: Jos3fpm Time: 2021-2-13 16:11 Title: Makerpi M1 - How configure new ultimaker cura for m1? Please we need profile setting for use new ultimaker cura; the cura software comes with printer its a little be old.
Please can you send as a profile for new cura version or how can we configure on it.
Author: 2mas Time: 2021-2-14 17:20
Hi there, download latest manual from this website for M1 Last pages 16-19 are about this setup Author: Jos3fpm Time: 2021-2-28 22:29
2mas Posted at 2021-2-14 17:20
Hi there, download latest manual from this website for M1 Last pages 16-19 are about this setup : ...
Thanks but seem no work properly ...Author: akronyme Time: 2021-3-9 04:01
I agree, I tested it and it prints 2-3mm too high...Author: urnie Time: 2021-3-14 20:28
With the setting for other Cura versions from the manual you simply have to set the Z to 1.6 in the 2nd line in the start G-Code then it should work, at least that's how it is for me.
You can just try out a bit with the number after the point up or down
That's my attitude
G28; Home
G1 Z1.6 F6000; Move the platform down 3 mm
; Prime the extruder
G92 Z0 E0
G1 F200 E3
G92 I0Author: Alice Time: 2021-4-8 18:30
You can download Cura 4.8 nowAuthor: TerryPro Time: 2021-8-21 21:46 Last edited by TerryPro In 2021-8-22 00:08 Editor
Here is what worked for me.
As stated above, initially set up a new printer profile using the latest manual and instructions on pages 16-19. In the "Start GCode" and "End GCode" sections, simply copy/paste the entries from the older Makerbot Cura M1 profile into the new Cura M1 printer profile and save it.
As well, I had noticed in the new Cura that my 3D model was floating approximately .3mm above the printing plate when using rafts (which normally work really well). I noticed that there are many settings that are initially hidden from the user (Settings > Configure Settings Visibility). One of these is "Build Plate Adhesion > Raft Air Gap". One selected to be visible, I noticed that it was set to .3mm. I decreased that to 0 and the print model wasplaced directly on the raft, where it should be. Author: sunshine Time: 2021-8-26 15:31
ok ,how is the M1 printer use now?
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