Title: [BUG] MakerPi M1 starts printing in Load mode [Print This Page] Author: sumo Time: 2021-1-15 02:25 Title: [BUG] MakerPi M1 starts printing in Load mode Steps to reproduce:
- Unplug the printer
- Insert microSD card
- Put the switch to "Load" mode
- Plug the printer to the socket
- Press the button on the front
What happens: It starts printing the 0.gcode file from the sdcard
Expected to happen: Start load the filament
So currently to load the filament you have to remove the sdcard, power on the printer in "Print" mode, then switch to "Load" mode to start load the filament.
Nothing major, but it can be a source of confusion on the first startup. Author: admin Time: 2021-1-15 13:33
Hello, thank you very much for your feedback. We will report it to the R & D department.Author: Jos3fpm Time: 2021-1-31 19:06
Great Thanks, really useful.
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